One of the specialised services offered by atmechanical is the Professional Air Conditioning Cleaning and Disinfection for your Car.
It is a common problem that mould and bacteria cause a musty odour or smell in a car's aircon. This is usually caused by moisture and debris inside the evaporator box.
Depending on the severity this can be a nuisance or a health concern; spores from mould can cause or promote allergies and other health issues.
A commercial antibacterial disinfection will remove the cause of the smell, not override it like deodorant. Parking under trees, poor service history, dirty conditions and a blocked drain pipe can be contributing factors. This odour can be stronger when the A/C is first turned on or in colder and humid weather conditions.
The Aircon Disinfection can be carried out mobile in a secure and protected location like a double garage or carport.
If you would like to book this repair for your car in Perth, WA, please complete an Online Booking and choose the option 'Inspection' - and leave a note with more details about the required repair.