Paul contacted me about his 2008 VW Passat- his aircon would only start cooling after some 10 min or so. Once on site, I quickly confirmed a failed Control Valve in his A/C Compressor as Paul had suggested prior.
This is an item I stock for most common compressors, including Denso, Sanden, Zexel as used in various VW, Audi, Mercedes and Toyota.
We replaced his Control Valve, completed his Aircon Regas, and now his A/C is icy cold from the first minute, and the variable displacement compressor regulates smoothly as it should.
Here is another post explaining Control Valve Failure
If you would like to book this repair for your car in Perth, WA, please complete an Online Booking and choose the option 'Inspection' - and leave a note with more details about the required repair.
All repairs include a 12 month warranty